
Consulting and Advising

Most financial advisors help you save FOR the cost of college. Tuition Resources goes one step further: we help you save ON the cost of college.

We believe that communication is key. We work with our clients to understand their values, beliefs, and comfort level about college costs while educating them about the financial aid process. We review all aspects of your financial framework including investments, insurance policies, and retirement plans to determine the most cost-efficient and effective ways for you to pay for college.

School Selection

Would you shop for a new car in a luxury dealership when you can only afford an economy vehicle?

Many college consultants and guidance counselors provide you with a list of schools that they feel are appropriate for your child regardless of your budget. This can be heartbreaking for a student who has their hopes set on an institution beyond your price range. By understanding your financial position, goals, and budget, Tuition Resources will guide you toward schools that are most likely to give your student the most financial aid.

Our database allows us to create an estimate of the “actual” price you will pay for each school based on your finances and student’s credentials – yes, we can forecast your cost! Even students who do do not qualify for need-based financial aid have been offered some kind of financial assistance after consulting with Tuition Resources. It’s all about knowing which schools are the best financial fit for your family.

Financial Form Preparation & Document Submission

Save time and money while maximizing accuracy.

Filling out financial aid forms such as the FAFSA, CSS Profile, and other school-specific documents are confusing, time-consuming, and stressful. Let Tuition Resources take this off of your plate!

We ensure that your financial aid forms are completed accurately while implementing strategies to maximize the amount of aid your student receives. We keep track of all deadlines and are able to upload back-up documentation, such as tax returns, W-2s, and other school-specific documents that financial aid offices frequently request.

Review & Analysis of Financial Aid Awards

Financial aid awards can be extremely confusing.

When students receive financial aid awards, it is difficult to discern how much money they are actually getting. Many schools bury loans into their financial aid packages. Tuition Resources works with you to decipher these convoluted financial aid letters, compare awards between schools, and assist you in determining which financial package best fits within your comfort level and budget.

Negotiating with Colleges & Financial Aid Appeals

It’s not over ’til it’s over.

Most students and parents think the financial aid award letter is the final word.

It’s not.

Tuition Resources has an incredible success rate in appealing financial aid offers. We negotiate directly with colleges with the goal of providing you with the maximum possible amount of scholarships and grants attainable from the school.

Paying for College & Loan Exploration

Helping you through the home stretch.

It’s May of the student’s senior year. The college selection has been finalized and enrollment deposit sent in. Now, we determine how you will pay for it.

Tuition Resources will help you structure a four-year payment plan that you will feel comfortable with. If loans are part of your payment package, we will help you explore the most appropriate types of loans while preserving your financial goals.

Together, we walk through the process of securing government loans and provide you with resources for private lenders where we can compare terms and rates to find the most cost-effective way to finance your student’s education.

Annual Follow-up

We stay connected.

Tuition Resources will continue to follow your family’s finances throughout higher education. Financial aid documents generally have to be filed yearly. We will continue to prepare these forms for you and offer financial advice and consulting all along the way. We are here for you, not just for the start of college, but for your entire educational journey.